Hi! I am posting a recipe again with Avarekalu. In my previous post with these beans I had posted a famous Upma/ Uppittu from Karnataka. In this post I am posting an Akki roti/ Rice roti. I have posted another version of Akki Roti earlier also which you can check here. Along with S, I have also started enjoying these superb beans.
Normally on a Sunday if we are planning to go out I will indulge into a cooking a heavy breakfast or brunch so that the kids are satiated and do not bother us while we finish our chores. So this time we indulged ourselves into these extremely tasty Akki Rotis. These are to be finished fast after they are cooked as they turn very chewy otherwise, so in a hurry-burry I have managed to click these pics.
This akki roti has a flavor of the beans surely but also of the fresh coconut. It also has additional flavors of curry leaves, cilantro and is spiced with green chilies. To provide additional crispiness I added Semolina/ rava to it.
These taste best when served with butter/ghee.
Serves –4
2-1/2 cups rice flour(akki)
1/2 cup Semolina/ rava
1 to 1-1/2 cup avarekalu
1 cup freshly grated coconut
8-10 green chilies chopped
2 strings curry leaves chopped
3-4 tbsp chopped cilantro
2 tsp cumin seeds
salt to taste
hot water for kneading
Pressure cook the avarekalu and coconut with salt to taste else cook in water till done.
Mix the rice flour, semolina, boiled avarekalu, coconut and add all the remaining ingredients together.
After mixing the ingredients form a well in the centre and put the hot water in it.
With the help of a spoon start mixing, once the temperature of the mix is tolerable to the fingers start mixing using hands. Keep adding water till every thing gets mixed properly to form a very soft dough which can spread easily.
Once cooked on both the side serve it with some clarified butter/butter.
Tip- If one likes sour taste can add 3-4 tbsp curds while making the dough.
I am sending this to MLLA-17 hosted by Sra at when my soup came alive and is the brainchild of Susan of The well seasoned cook
to EFM - Variety rice series conducted by SriLekha

Priya of Priya’s recipes has passed me this

Wow Pari, akki rotis are always my favourite, adding avarekalu seems very prefect and rotti looks incredible yaar..
Yummy and crispy
looks so tempting and delicious, dear!!...love the way u present it.....congrats on ur awards, dear!
congratulations for the award !!!
the pancakes sound nutritious and filling;
Bean Dosa ! As usual I always find a new recipe here ! I've no clue when will I try all these .. looks beautiful :)
Gorgeous recipe! One that I will definetly have to try!
A very novel roti recipe, to be appreciated. It sounds very healthy too. Thanx for sharing.
Its a new recipe to me....Delicious and crispy...
hey pari...adding avre is new to me...you know what..we call this as thalipeeth and even prepare it with jowar flour...sure a little different one than in maharashtra
My mom used to do the same thing, its been so long since i had this, Nice recipe pari, will surely try when i get it next time...
I love Akki roti..But my version is a bit different..
Ur version sounds gr8 and looks fabulously yummy!!!
Wow! Love the recipe! I shd try my hand at this soon. Nice click!
wow!!!!!!! a lot of awards.....Congrats.I love the crispy rotti
My my these looks so yummy yum yum..have bookmarked it Pari :)
Very healthy and tasty dish....love the awesome clicks :)
thanks for visiting my blog, wow love stuffed roti you have some yummy recipes on here Rebecca
Healthy and delicious...never tried ada with beans :-)
Wow looks nourishing and yummy!
The rotis look super delicious... and adding avarekalu makes them healthier :-)
Pari, thats such a unique recipe.the avrekalu akki roti looks like it will surely make up for a sumptuous bfast..and I love ur step by step pics..ur so patient.
With all those yummy ingredients, those pancakes must be delicious! Congrats on your awards. You deserve them!
Looks so tempting and delicious dear..Healthy dish..
Congrats and wishing u many more to come..
Nice recipe..looks crispy and yummy..would love to try it..:)
I saw ur naan recipe...Sounds great and more healthy 2..Next time will try ur version and let u know.:)
Have a great day.
nice and new recipe.stepwise pic will surely help for all.Thanks for sharing
Love this Pari... they look delicious. Reminds me of my mom. She adds this in many dishes during this season like upma, palav, curry.
Dear pari
Thanks for sharing this nice dish. Will give a try for sure
have a good day
that looks really yummy.. its my fav :)
hi folks, thanks a lot for those beautiful comments. u guys make my day. do try this and i promise you will not regret.
@sra, thanks dear for pointing out, i changed my template recently, will correct the font color.
@kanchan, the template provides this kind of header size, tried playing with the html, but could not succeed, u have better info on that, do let me know.
OMG!! That is one of the most creative and healthy pancakes!! Loved it soooo much!!
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Looks soo yummy and delicious...Browned nicely.
Enjoy the awards.
I love avarekaalu akki rotti .. looks yumm
looks soo good..
When I lived in the US, I loved the taste of this roti! Adding avarekalu is tasty and perfect!
Congrats on all your awards.Roti looks perfect!
Congrats on ur awards.....I love akki roti, haven't tried with avarekalu.
Thanks for visiting my blog and your lovely comments...You have a good collection of recipes...following you.
Wow..This seems to be so good.Loved the click.
Nice and crisp,love the ingredients used :D
One of the clasic Kannadigas tiffin! My husb fav avarekalu akki roti! U ve made it beautifully!
Looks so delicious, love it.
Yum..delicious and healthy roti.Thanks a lot for stopping by our space..will keep watchin you!
I've been craving these for some time now. Great post and now more reason for me to go make a batch.
Hi Pari..
Thanks for visiting my blog.. i am a self-professed foodie who loves to ogle at delicious food blogs like yours..
it's nice to see that you are adapting to cuisine from your husband's land.. :) this looks good..
Oh wow...that's a new variety of akki roti to me...thanks for the pictorial.... love the new look of the blog...looks spacey and good....
Perfect one,makes me hungry
I would like to try this sometime; it sounds so delicious. I am enjoying your blog every time I visit. Congratulations on your award!
thanks for a great recipe!!!
Akki and Avarakalu roti sounds entirely new and different to me...loved those pictures looks too good, must have tasted great. Cute pictures:)
I saw this recently in another blog, fascinating! Thanks!
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